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Auto Transfer System(ATS) or Auto Mains Failure(AMF) Panels

Work description
  • ATS (Automatic Transfer Switch) or AMF (Automatic Mains Failure) Panels are intended to switch the electrical load of a system from the normal supply to a backup supply and back once more. Typically this would be from the Mains to a Generator
  • This is refined by utilization of an electronic control module which screens the two supplies and a couple of interlocked contactors, switches or circuit breakers that switch the supplies. Under most conditions the Mains is accessible and its contactor shut, when the Mains breaks down the control module imparts a sign to begin the generator.
  • The main difference between an ATS and an AMF is the way the generator is Started. In this manner, if the system has a generator with its own Generator Control Panel (GCP) at that point an ATS is appropriate
Key Points
  • Smooth Changeovers
  • Accurate Power control
  • Customised Solutions
  • Technical Designs