[email protected] +91 9766043482

Green Building consultancy

  • Green structures are naturally dependable foundations where extraordinary considerations are taken to limit the harm to the environmental factors while giving a healthy work environment
  • Such profoundly particular structures request master direction and management. Enertek is certified to design, develop and authorize green buildings that incorporate growing new structures with green plan like improved indoor air quality, characteristic light, and warm solace to live and work
  • Green Energy Services include developing new buildings with green design like improved indoor air quality, natural light, and thermal comfort
  • - Green building is otherwise called green construction or sustainable building which alludes to both a structure and the cycles that are naturally dependable and resource efficient for the duration of the structures
Key points
  • Complete Handholding from design to implementation and certification
  • Emphasis on System reliability.
  • Reduction of GHG and CO2 emissions